Liliana Arrington
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
My mission in this life is to love, support, cherish and encourage others so that they may heal, and then transform. That is and has always been the underpinning of my life. In pursuit of that mission I have cultivated a career as a bodyworker and an energy healer. I have offered consent workshops in the style of Official Cuddle Parties. I have taught Wiccan formation, consent, inclusive sacred sexuality and spiritual care. I have volunteered many, many hours in community building; organizing, mentoring, writing, leading and participating in ceremony that seeks to meet the psycho-emotive needs of the attendees. Most currently I am undergoing training to become a Spiritual Director with Cherry Hill Seminary.
I believe in empowerment, consent and equality.

Spiritual Direction
There are as many definitions of Spiritual Direction as there are Companions. This is mine.
Spiritual Direction, or Spiritual Companioning, is walking through the dark with another person as they willingly consider the mysteries of Life and the Big Questions, whatever they happen to be for that person in this present moment in their lives. Not as a guide or a follower but as a presence; a Sacred Witness; a Mirror, reflecting back the Divine within them and helping them to discern what they really want or need from their spiritual lives and where they might look to find it; a Cauldron that provides the structure for cooking up transformation.
Spiritual Direction ISN'T about spiritual bypassing or promoting toxic positivity. Sometimes shit ain't positive. I won't be encouraging you to feel any better about it then you do. Sometimes things are great. That's okay, too!